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Table of contents
  1. Reflected XSS
    1. What is it?
    2. How to find it?
    3. Attacks on tags
      1. bypass WAF steps
      2. Custom attributes
      3. All events and href blocked
      4. Reflected in SVG
      5. Angle bracket <> html encoded:
      6. Setting an access key
    4. Attacks on javascript
      1. quote and double quote escaped
      2. encoded angle brackets <>
      3. other
      4. Globally assing error handler and throw error
    5. Javascript template literals
    6. Angular sandbox escaping
    7. References:
    8. Cheatsheets

Reflected XSS

What is it?

Reflected XSS may execute javascript because an input is refected on the page.

For example:

get reflected as:

<p>You searched for: gift</p>


will probably be reflected as:

<p>You searched for: <script>alert('XSS')</script></p>

popping a alert with XSS as contents

How to find it?

Use steps to find it (burpsuite scanner should warn.)

  1. Test every endpoint
    1. all parameters in URL query string
    2. all parameters in message body
    3. URL file path
    4. HTTP headers
  2. Submit random alpha values
    1. Check if the value is reflected
  3. Determine the reflection context
    1. Is it in the page?
    2. Is it in a tag attribute?
    3. Is it in javascript?
    4. Is it in CSS?
  4. Test a candidate payload
  5. Test alternative payload
    1. use closing quotes when needed
    2. Use bypass when needed
  6. Test the attack in a browser

Attacks on tags

bypass WAF steps

  1. Copy all tags from the xss cheatsheet
  2. Burp Intrude them into the reflecting field
  3. Make note of which passes
  4. Repeat for all events
  5. Make note of which passes
  6. Create an exploit in theexploit server

Example body tag is allowed with the onresize is allowed:

<iframe src=""'100px'>

Deliver to victim

Custom attributes

location = '';

Deliver to victim

All events and href blocked

Reflected in SVG

Approach like the WAF bypass, but in svg:

Deliver to victim

Angle bracket <> html encoded:

When this does not work since <> is not allowed:


try this:

" autofocus onfocus=alert(document.domain) x="

effectively inserting an event on the tag

Setting an access key


The access key ALT-X is set. Just trigger the victim to use it ;)

Attacks on javascript

We have to take control of the javascript, for example:

var input = 'controllable data here';

We can insert

</script><img src=1 onerror=alert(document.domain)>

Ending the script part and using the img tag error event to trigger XSS.

quote and double quote escaped



So not using quotes or double quotes

encoded angle brackets <>



to break out or


to break out of string literals




is converted to


use this alternative payload


to get it converted to:


The way to test:

  1. Submit random alpha string
  2. Check response
  3. Try test’test and observe
  4. try test\test and observe
  5. try test”test and observe

With escaped single quote, encoded double quota and angle baackets


Globally assing error handler and throw error

onerror=alert;throw 1

This causes alert to be called with ‘1’
Deliver using},x=x=%3E{throw/**/onerror=alert,1337},toString=x,window%2b%27%27,{x:%27

Javascript template literals

Imagine having

document.getElementById('message').innerText = `Welcome, ${user.displayName}.`;

And a XSS context as

var input = `controllable data here`;

the payload can be:


Angular sandbox escaping




portswigger XSS cheatsheet owasp xss filter evasion cheatsheet

40397ac9 (main) : 2023-01-11T20:40:16+01:00